Selling People if u don't know what vouch means don't...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Medìc Øac, 4/20/16.

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  1. Medìc Øac

    Medìc Øac
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    People if u don't know what vouch means don't vouch ok It's very miss leading to new people Only people who u can trust are people who are Admins of this group Vouch ok Somm people creates fake accounts or asks friends to vouch them self so they can scam you
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    Ali Gencer

    Ali Gencer
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    Medìc Øac

    Medìc Øac
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    Mari Talantova

    Mari Talantova
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    I've noticed also some scammers vouch legit people to make other people think they also legit)
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    Ali Gencer

    Ali Gencer
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    Ive noticed that people are also trying to sell toons that they dont actually have and cant show, wondering where they get the ss from
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    Ali Gencer

    Ali Gencer
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    And they have "vouches" too
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    Ali Gencer

    Ali Gencer
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    Whitch means they create their own "vouches"
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    Medìc Øac

    Medìc Øac
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    Medìc Øac

    Medìc Øac
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    I agree with you guys and this is something we can't prevent but if someone does this let the ban hammer crush them Mari Talantova
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    Medìc Øac

    Medìc Øac
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    And Ali I had this "don't really have toon case " many times in my group
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    Rob Crandall

    Rob Crandall
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    Ty for having everyone's back guys :)
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    Medìc Øac

    Medìc Øac
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    I my self only trust Admins vouch
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    Rob Crandall

    Rob Crandall
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    Ben talking to Ali a few weeks now he's a cool guy I'd go to him. But Mari was always there when I had questions too
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    Ali Gencer

    Ali Gencer
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    Mari knows almost everybody she been very helpfull to me aswell in my past experiencess :)) i trust her and her judgement 100%
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    Ali Gencer

    Ali Gencer
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    Altough i think i annoy her by talking tooooo much
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