Hi alls i am selling 2 chars on the same account !! 1 is ranger lvl 50 pvp rank->marshall mounts-> 5 vs 5 mount and many others mounts science lvl -> 50 all q done has dragan set and plenty inventory slots the other one is dwarf lvl 50 pvp rank->marshall mounts-> 5 vs 5 epic mounts + others science lvl -> lvl 50 all Q done has dragan set + karabosa set i stoped plaing due to the real life issues !! and i think the ones who wants to take it will be pretty pleased with them !! for more details you can find me on the Facebook. or on my email johny_boy555 i only trade with serious players and we can do it face 2 face i am curently living in Bruxelles Belgium !!or via westen union bank transfer !!!
400 euros the lowes price i go is 300 150 each char + i have also a war and a mage on the same account with 50 knoledge lvl 41 and 42
the dwarf the ranger the war and mage are all on the same account so basically if u take the dwarf u take the ranger aswell
Thank you, nice stats! I'm not sure about the price. Think its to muc - cause you don't have premium account - so i have to buy it for my own - and you don't have much gold and andermand. What is you lowest price offer? How would you like to do selling? Paypal or Paysafecards?
the characters are good i havent played them for 4 months now thats why i dont have anders or gold !!! i only go via western union bank transfer or face 2 face !!!! the lowest price i can go is 150 euros per char that means 300 euros for both of them !!
Hello ok man i know this offer is really low i just say it if you ever yoy like it to make deal.Thank you for your time have a nice day !
Draven666Dark here my price with 1 lvl 50 dwarf and one lvl 50 war WTS - Drakensang Online Lvl 50 dragonknight and lvl 50 Dwarf and few low lvl chars in lvl 36-38 | PlayerUp - Video Game Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.