Selling HQ20 / 16,5M Power / VIP 10 / 47 Lv Com. / State...

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rob Bradford, 4/14/16.

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  1. Rob Bradford

    Rob Bradford
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    HQ20 / 16,5M Power / VIP 10 / 47 Lv Com. / State #126 ADSE Cheap Acc. $200 I want to sell my EW Acc. because i dont have time to play anymore. Some info; -16,5M Power. -410k Troops (T3 all of them) -87k Traps (33K T3 and T1-2 rest of all) -36,500 Gold. -VIP 10. -630 Hrs. Speed Ups. -Best alliance at state (Has State Control Point) Already have: 25M Stone, 25M Food, 25M Oil, 25M Iron resources on board. and many resources in inventory. I have a lot of different boosts in inventory. Screenshot: I can't post anymore SS. If you want to see what i have in my inventory add me with line id : mehmetii I'm looking for only 200$ (via paypal only) for this account.
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  2. OP
    Ranjeet Yadav

    Ranjeet Yadav
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    भाई नौकरी मिल जाएगी
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