Dont really have time to play anymore so im selling my LVL 89 DS Account. Here is the list of inventoried cards on the account. If the card is a skill card itll be marked with the grade otherwise its just at base skill grade 1. All cards are bases unless specified. 5* DS 8/14 Vader CC sk38 Grand Moff (TM) 4/7 Old Dooku: x2 Old Jabba Old Maul 4/7 Jango TOW sk39:locked Old Vader:locked Chair Palp:locked Old Boba:locked Maul Sin:locked 5* LS Ani Pad Obi Pad Old Luke Senator Palpatine sk9 Admiral Ackbar sk9 5* Neutral 4/7 C-3PO & R2-D2 May The 4th Edition Vader/Palp Anniversary Edition x3 4/7 BB-8:locked 4* LS Ben Kenobi Evo2 Ben Kenobi(DS) Evo 2/Evo 1/Base Adi Gallia Ki-adi-Mundi Evo2 sk17/base Padme BOT x2 Saesee Tin Captain Panaka 8/15 Master Yoda sk9 Boss Nass x6 R2 Mech Evo2/base R2-D2 Evo2/base Kit Fisto x3 CC Gree x3 CC Wolfe CC Cody x4 CC Bly x2 CC Neyo Cin Drallig Tarrful x2 8/15 Dodonna sk23 and base Han BOB x2 Luke New Hope Chewy Mech Slave Leia sk10 Leia Endor x2 General Rieeken Hardcase x2 Lando Palace Gaurd 4* DS 8/15 ERG sk 39 8/15 Sim Aloo sk39 8/15 Aurra Sniper sk 33 and base 8/15 Dooku sk31/ 3x base 8/15 Sidious sk30/ 3x base SCP sk40/ 4x base 8/15 Shu Mai/ base 8/15 Vader DS:4/7 Vader DS and base 8/15 General Grevous 8/15 Magnagaurd/ x4 base 8/15 Tarkin 8/15 Tagee 8/15 DD13 sk23 8/15 Umbaran Soldier 8/15 (One lvl inproper)Tie Pilot 8/15 (One lvl inproper) General Veers sk40/ x2 base 4/7 Boba x2 4/7 IG88 Jaba Sebulba Nute Gunray San Hill x3 Jango Fett CC Cody CC Bly x6 CC Neyo x3: 1 Locked CC Bacara x2 Droideka Evo2/ x2 base Scout Trooper 74-Z x4 Shadow Stormtrooper x2 Snow Trooper x2 IG86 x3 Tactical Droid BX Commando x2 Captain Phasma x2: 1 locked 4* Neutral Gasgano Teemto Han Solo x2 Han Carb x2 Wicket Warrick Bib Fortuna x2 Senate Gaurd x6 3* 8/15 Mas sk40 8/15 Maul 8/15 RA-7 8/15 Death Star Gunner 8/15 Ten Numb/Evo2/Base 8/15 AT-AT Pilot x3 (one ie on lvl improper) (one is Locked) E/V 9D9 2* 8/15 Bail Organa sk10. I would like to sell the account as a whole and not part out. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.