Level 72, always top 10-20 in the arena. Noteworthy Dark Side Characters: 7* Darth Sidious (Fully Geared and Skilled) 7* Count Dooku (Fully Geared and Skilled) 6* Old Daka(Fully Geared and Skilled) 5* Kylo Ren 4* Darth Maul 4* Darth Vader 4* Savage Opress 4* Cad Bane 4* Nute Gunray 4* Captain Phasma 4* Boba Fett 4* Poggle the Lesser Noteworthy Light Side Characters: 7* Luminara Unduli (Fully Geared and Sk illed) 6* Qui-Gon Jinn 5* Grand Master Yoda (Fully Geared and Skilled) 5* Barriss Offee (Fully Geared and skilled) 5* Jedi Consular 5* Obi- Wan Kenobi(Old Ben) 5* Kit Fisto 5* Princess Leia 4* Admiral Ackbar 4* Luke Skywalker 4* Rey 4* CT-7567 Rex 4* Aayla Secura 3* Eeth Koth 3* Biggs Darklighter 3* Stormtrooper Han Asking Price: $500 , Please message me on playerup or email me at [email protected] for Account inquiries