Hey there! Selling my FGO NA account - Open to offers Willing to show in greater detail via Discord: ~Lucas#3521 (Drop me a DM if you'd like) Details: - acc lvl 139 - 25SSR (not counting NP lvls) - 7 Holy grails - 365 GA - 186 SA - 55 BA - Birthday reset available The majority of the SSRs are all fully leveled and with MAX/almost max skills. (Dantes, Skadi, Merlin all 10/10/10) SRRs: Musashi (Saber), Mordred (Saber), Napoleon, Ishtar, Arjuna (Archer), Orion (As in Artemis), Ereshkigal, Tamamo Lancer, Brynhildr, Rider summer Salter, Ozy (Rider Not lvled), Castoria (not fully lvled), Skadi, Merlin, Tamamo caster (Not lvled), Semiramis ( not fully lvled), King Hassan, MHX Alter, Nightingale (Not lvled), Vlad III, Jeanne (Ruler) (NP2), Dantes (NP2), Okita Alter, Kiara (NP2), Melt (Not lvled) Notable CEs: MLB LVL 100 Aerial Drive , MLB Mona Lisa, MLB Dive to Blue, MLB Holy Night Supper x3, MLB Starry Nights, MLB Joint Recital, MLB Another Ending, MLB Victor of the Moon, MLB One Summer, MLB Golden Sumo, MLB Golden Captures the Carp, 3x 2030s, 2x KS, 3x Prisma Cosmos, etc. Very Notable 4*s: - NP4 Heracles (bond 10) - NP5 Gil Caster Grailed servants are: - Musashi saber lvl 100 - Ushiwakamaru Rider lvl 100 - Ereshkigal lvl 100 - Tomoe Gozen lvl 90 (NP2) - Nitocris Caster lvl 90 - Nero Saber (4*) Lvl 90 (NP2) Event servants on acc: - liz Saber - Santa Altera - Chole - Nobunaga archer -Santa Jeanne alter - Rider Ishtar - Kintoki rider - Santa Salter (Rider) - Irisviel - summer shishou - Santa Quetz - mecha eli Mk II - BB - Caster Liz - Summer Jeanne Alter - Paul Might have others but I don't remember if they're event servants or not. Bond 10 servants: - Heracles - Merlin - Hans Random things: *Acc is low on QP (770k) *castoria lvl 70 (7/6/4) *Haven't started LB4 - There are a ton of 5* EXP and a few 4* Open to offers, not interested in trades, just money.