trading Darkavenger account with blue dawn of flavel wings and everything i got from day 1 from vipe out 2 job change scrolls on chars jellies and many things Chars DarkAvenger 80 level Sniper 80 Level Barbarian 80 level Light fury 80 level account is on EU server now for trade i want either 1] 1 million gold or 2]600k gold and argentina costume package or necromancer packege or 3] 3 costume packeges argentina,Necromancer,Velskud. Contact Skype Adil-Tanveer.
bump! 1]800k gold or 2]500k gold and 1 argenta or necromacer costume packages or 3] 2 costume packages for my main account thats all i got 4 chars with all costumes and BDN gear and materials and all the things we got so far jellies jewels and 2job changescroll on all 4 chars got dawn of flawel wings on DA and spacepod4025 unique mounts on sniper and have all dimensional fragments to get skill plates 80 level enhancement plates and fellowship plates also.