Selling GOOD/OP Account IGN: yoishi-san Game Time: 751hrs Spina: 1M Storage: A29 B:N/A ORBS: 11 Avatar Ticket: 8 FOOD BUFF: HP LV 5 Characters [7 characters slos] 1- 2HS - Str 422> Dex 250 lvl 260 (MQ done) OP Character 2- HB - Str 422> Agi 250 lvl 260 (MQ done) OP Character 3- DS - Str 283> Agi 255 lvl 193 (Initial MQ) 4- 1HS tank - Vit 319> MTL 255 lvl 211 (Initial MQ) 5- Mage Blizzard - Int 159> Tec 255 lvl 116 Synthesis lv 150 (Initial MQ) 6- Bwg - Str 255> Dex 5 lvl 53 (Initial MQ) 7- Empty The characters contain mission some were manually uploaded, the account has 11 orbs and 8 ticket ava, island edit and hp buff lvl 5, synthesis lvl 150. Have 3 Adv diary and 1 Book of oblivion. Price: $100 Contact Discord: Botinado#4359 Payments: Paypal or Cryptocurrency BUSD/USDT Reason for sale: Quitting