Line ID - death4you 95 lvl(280k gems spent) Heroes: Overlord 5lvl, protection 10, deathless 10, entrap 4. Captivator lvl 2 Thor + 50 shards Oceanus lvl 2 Armaggedon 80 shards of blademaster 80 shards of Warlock 80 shards of Judment 20 shards of Hydra Wigth lvl 10, aura, undying, cripple 10. (250+ shards) Paw Master lvl 9 aura, spiky, flamming 10 (250+ shards) Daemon hunter 9 Beast master lvl 9 Dragon rider lvl 9 Predator lvl 9 Royal guard, Deathmort lvl 5. Cards 5*: Phantom Liege 15lvl Immunity 9 Magmus 15lvl Frost Armor 3 Spirit Siren 15lvl REVIVE Pit Dragon 15lvl REVIVE Pit Dragon 15lvl Sacriface Killer Queen 10lvl Undying Will 10lvl (60% expertise instakill) Terror Dragon 10lvl (30% expertise frost armor) Death Knight 10lvl Bloodletter x2 Nidhogg 15lvl REVIVE Anathema 15lvl Mass heal 1(22.5 Fa7 expertise) Kumiho 10lvl Yeti 10lvl Quetzlcoatl 10lvl Nidhogg 10lvl Tidal Siren Dragonlord 15lvl Soul swap lvl 1(22.5 Revie expertise) Ash beast 15lvl FA7 Ash beast 15lvl Frost blade 10 Mimir's tree 15lvl FA3 Lucky Sage 10lvl Phoenix x3 Cancer 15lvl (90% expertise Sacriface IMBA!) Fafnir 15lvl Ares 15lvl Life sap 8 Titania 15lvl Immunity 9 Bewitcher 10lvl Paragon 10lvl (unmelded) Achdeava x2 Balthzar x2 Shinryu Titania Cards 4*: Royal Dragon 15lvl Disposal X3! Royal Dragon 15lvl Instakill Grand Mage 15lvl Fatigue8 Oracle 15lvl FA3, FA5 x2, FA7 x4 (total 7 ORacle FA) Swordmaster 15lvl RECYCLE 1 Swordmaster 15lvl Bloodlust 7 Swordmaster 15lvl Stabtrougth Paladin 15lvl FA3 Michariel 10lvl (60% Bloodlust expertise) Swordmaster 10lvl Stabtrougth Swordmaster 10lvl + x3 unlvled Flame Brave 15lvl Incinerate 8 x2! Satur Sentry 10lvl FA3 x3 Treant Elder 10lvl FA3 Centaur chief 10lvl FA3 x2 Twins 15lvl Battle blow 8 x2 Twins 15lvl Sacriface x2 Twins 15lvl FA5 Graboid 15lvl Stabrtough x2 Panter Chief 15lvl FA3 Panter Chief 10lvl FA5 Panter Chief 10lvl Battle blow 8 Neander Gigant 15lvl FA3 Ursa Major 10lvl x2 Graboid x5 Queen Temptress 15lvl Retreat(IMBA) x2 Puppeter 15lvl Imunity 7 x2 Puppeter 15lvl Curse 6 Cave Dragon 15lvl FA3 Hell knight 15lvl FA3 Harbringer 15lvl RECYCLE 1 x2 Harbringer 15lvl Instakill Dullahan 15lvl Disposal Pit Lord 15lvl FA3 Hellwolf 10lvl Disposal Dullahan x2 Harbringer x7 Also 20+ Dark witch 10 lvl, 6 of them 15lvl melded Discord 8\Bless 10 6x Blood ranger with Stabrougrh Runes: 5*: Vitality x5(6, 6, 6, 5, 1 lvl) Violence x2 (8,5 lvl) Sacriface x6 (5, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1 lvl) Immunity 6 lvl Rebirth 5 lvl Rage boost x2 (1, 1 lvl) Hero: Haste 6 lvl Sorcery 5 lvl Hero Vigor x2 (5, 4 lvl) Heal Amplify 5 lvl Initial Rage x3 (5, 3, 2 lvl) Morti Vigor 2 lvl Neander Vigor x2 (2, 2 lvl) Human Vigor x3 (2, 2, 1 lvl) Fean Vigor x2 (1, 1 lvl) 4*: Battleblow x12 (7, 7, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 lvl) Protean x9 (7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5 lvl) Violence x7 (7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 5, 5, lvl) Vitality x4 (6, 5, 5, 5 lvl) Bullseye 6 lvl Dodge x3 (6, 5, 5 lvl) Stoneskin x6 (5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 lvl) Delay x2 (5, 5 lvl) Reflect 5 lvl Life Sap 5 lvl Godswill x5 (5, 5, 5, 5, 5 lvl) Warlust x2 (3, 3 lvl) Letgrapy 4 lvl Hero: All Vigor 7 lvl Heal Amplify 5 lvl Hero Vigor 4 lvl Initial Rage 3 lvl Haste 2 lvl Alot of 4* 1 lvl various runes for hero and creatures ( 60+ pcs). Soul swap x3 (8, 8, 6 lvl) Fire rune 8 lvl Voodoo runes x20 (5 lvl and above) Healer rune x8 (8 lvl) Bless rune x3 (8lvl) Stabtrougth x3 (9, 9, 8 lvl) 22 shards from 30 for second immuntiy rune. Price for this incredible account is only 500 $ or Euro, via PayPal
Buyer Order Confirmation This message is to inform the seller and original author of this thread that a buyer has completed payment for this account listing. We will now be creating a ticket upon verifying the buyers payment. Buyer = @QueenVictoria Buyer Paid = $12.00 USD
Order Status Update The buyer has confirmed as-described delivery and full transfer of game account ownership. The seller will receive payment shortly. This transaction has now been completed. No further action is required from either member unless they wish to leave feedback for each other. Payment Status: Completed