Friend Code: 204,813,220 Entire account for 480$ total, what all I’ve got on the account that’s immediately relevant is below, feel free to ask about 4* characters and anything else you’d wanna know about. I might be willing to accept other offers if the offer isn’t a lowball. Multiple SSR’s, all sorted by rarity, Maxed out K-Scope and 2030, 69 SQ and 5 Tickets. SSR’s are NP 4 Lancer Karna, NP 3 Lancer Enkidu, NP 3 Castoria, NP 2 Rider Da Vinci, NP 2 Rider Medb, NP 2 Caster Murasaki Shikibu, NP 2 Caster Merlin, NP 2 Caster Ilya, NP 2 Caster Tamamo No Mae, NP 2 Vlad Dracula iii, NP 2 Avenger Taira No Kagekiyo, NP 2 Avenger Space Ishtar, NP 2 Foreigner Abbigail Williams, NP 1 Saber Senji Muramasa, NP 1 Saber Ibuki Douji, NP 1 Saber Dioscuri, NP 1 Saber Musashi’s Miyoto, NP 1 Saber Ryougi Shiki, NP 1 Saber Altera, NP 1 Archer Napoleon, NP 1 Lancer Romulus = Quirinus, NP 1 Lancer Brynhildr, NP 1 Rider Achilles, NP 1 Rider Ivan the Terrible, NP 1 Rider Altria Alter, NP 1 Rider Francis Drake, Np 1 Caster Skadi, NP 1 Caster Scheherazade, NP 1 Caster El Melloi iii, NP 1 Assassin Kama, NP 1 Assassin Osakabehime, NP 1 Berserker Miyamoto Musashi, NP 1 Berserker Xiang Yu, NP 1 Berserker Hijikata Toshiza, NP 1 Berserker Nightingale, NP 1 Ruler Qin Shi Huang, NP 1 Ruler Jeanne D’arc, NP 1 Avenger Oda Nobunaga, NP 1 Avenger Jeanne D’arc Alter, NP 1 Alter Ego Ashiya Douman, NP 1 Alter Ego Kingprotea, NP 1 Alter Ego Okita Souji Alter, NP 1 Alter Ego Meltryllis, NP 1 Moon Cancer BB, NP 1 Foreigner Van Gogh, and an NP 1 Avenger Angra Mainyu I’ve got PayPal for payment methods, not accepting others at the moment. The account is endgame, with only 2 Free Quest Nodes in Olympus left. There are 13 or so Interludes that have not been completed left, and 37 or so Rank-Up quests that have not been completed. This account is one I can’t give the time and attention it needs to become fully complete, I’m only taking serious offers. # #/Some_Culture_7985 # .