Selling  Android JWA Account - High level android account

Discussion in 'Jurassic World Alive Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BoomBoomBap, 3/14/23.

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  1. BoomBoomBap

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    Want to have fun with big monsters and plenty of items ready?

    264 dinos created
    29 dinos ready to create
    +40 attack boosts
    +40 defense boosts
    +40 speed boosts
    1 attack refund
    1 defense refund

    Phoru is lvl 30 (5/8/4)
    Monolorhino is lvl 30 (1,13,2)
    Tenontorex, Ardentismaxima and Magnapyritor are level 29
    Almighty Alloraptor is level 28 (8,3,7)
    + 2 000 000 coins
    +15 000 (so you can buy boosts or coins!)

    4 APEX
    This account has reached lockwood library
    You can join a team and have 250 unique DNA each month if you participate in tournament

    name has never been changed (so feel free to pick your own name)
    Account is on android linked to a separate google account
    Not linked to Facebook. (you can do that freely afterwards)

    jwa2022.jpg jwa2024.jpg jwa2029.jpg jwa2028.jpg jwa2027.jpg jwa2025.jpg jwa2026.jpg jwa15.jpg jwa14.jpg jwa13.jpg jwa12.jpg jwa11.jpg jwa02.jpg jwa01.jpg

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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