Hi everybody and Welcome to MJ Store. If this is the first time you want to deal by MJ Store, rest assured you will continue working with us. before purchasing this service, contact us for data analysis. About this service: we will send private messages to the members of your target server to promote your project. target server can be your competitors server or any server that you want. Note: Some of users may close their DM. So they can’t receive message. These users doesn’t calculate in DM receivers. So for example if you order 1K DM, 1K users will receive your message successfully. +This service has live proof. you will get reports when your order is being done. Start time: 1-15 minutes after verifying your payment Delivery: 100k DM/day Price: 18$ per 1k If you have any question or need more details, you can contact us. Contacts us Telegram: [Click] WhatsApp: [Click] Instagram.: [Click] Discord: MJStore#5364 Gmail: #