weaps: Brave steel wall fighters polears +16 fused with Myth Rank1 full att5/crit9 (blind) Legendary Masters Catalium greatsword +12 fused with 2-star full att5/crit8(9) (silence) Mad greandal polearm +15 fused with 2 star full att5/crit8(9) (para) Badly deformed greatsword +12 fused with 2-star att5/acc 13 (stun) Feathers: attack +7 1(31) ; crit +6 3(81) stigmas:gold:Whriling strike, Draining sword blue:Exhausting wave, Severe preciuos cut,shure strike , sharp strike, tendon slice Green : Lockdown, Crippling cut, Draining blow, Magic defence, Dauntless spirit,Eartquake wave (All visions) PvP set: 2-star set , full +15, 16 socket att/crit , few stones crit/att full AP accessories +4 , Helm +5 gueardian special ops commanders holy wings PvE set: full SWB set +helm socket crit/hp; att/hp(few stones crit/att) accessories: Kata set + 1x kunax earring , 1x kunax ring, sauro belt imperial ice flame wings 500+ cera medals ; 6.5kk AP other: Estate full kata set +spear (not in use) 2x Hyperion swords brave steel wall greatsword (not socketed) invasion weaps: 1x sword , 1x dager, 2x greatsword, 1x spear , 1 x bow 3x leather parts mag supp + 2 rentus (6 slots) Rentus bow 6-slots, spear 6 slots, rentus shield 6 lots lots of skins , potions , manastones , essencetapping-499, weaponsmith-512 Also on account Templar 65 :pve full rune tribe + kahrun accessories;PvP full rank 1 set + strife accesories, weaps rune tribe , have sauro gs max stats 6 slots(not done ) Aethertapping-499