Continuous play since November 2018. At the moment, the race of the first day of King's Fall (with challenge + emblem 178th place in the world) and Vault of Glass (without challenge) have been completed. I love this game and play it all my free time. I regularly buy various decorations for characters and other paid content (all spent more than 279000 silver ~ 2500$ at the price of my region), 12000 left for the next season, I have a large collection of exotic decorations (235 out of 241) for weapons and more then 130 universal armor ornaments, 101 exotic ornaments for exotic armors, 108 exotic and 166 legendary emotes, and also the emblems of which are no longer obtainable. No. 9 in the rating for the completeness of the collection in the current DLC with maximum score. On my account: All DLCs and additional content, 3 fully upgraded 1617 characters (1590+27 season artifact) All mods, all exotic weapons (101) / armor (111), pinnacle and ritual weapons. 48/48 seals. 27/27 gold badges. Fully upgraded Exotic Catalysts 75/75. There are 361 items of equipment with high stats in the Vault and Inventory, for any task in the game (182 items of exotic armor, fully upgraded) and 458 godroll weapons. Many weapons of the first year that are not and will never be in the game are on my account, some of them you often see in the videos of popular streamers, such as: Blast Furnace, Bygones, Redrix's Broadsword, Galliard-42, Erentil FR4, Kindled Orchid, Not Forgotten, Spare Rations, Duke Mk. 44, Austringer 1gen. and many others. 160743 triumph score ( this link full account details), No. 242 in the global triumph rankings (global leaderboards: Destiny 2 total time: 9246h = 385d 6h ( 40 Ascendant Shard, 200 Enhancement Prism, 15000+ Legendary shards, 2500+ Enhancement Core, 45000+ Planet Materials and 12 000 Silver! A complete set of armor from Trials of Osiris for all characters from all seasons, all weapons, as well as, all ghost shells (Horus Shell, In Memoriam Shell, Lantern Shell), all sparrows (Falcon's Chase, Paradigm Shift, Resurrection's Guide), and all ships (Hushed Syrinx, Winds of Change) from Osiris. 1624 Elo, 126 flawless, 1.09 k/d. Comp. 5851 platinum3 rank. Raids/dungeons/day one (, Solo master/grandmaster nightfall The account is completely ready for the day after the passage of the new raid, it comes out on March 10th. Edition Lightfall + Annual Pass, including, I sell along with a steam account on which there are 33 games, the screenshot is attached. Fully ready for the new season, 186 weekly and daily contracts have been made on the account! Take care of yourself