Hello! So after a while of thinking, i decided to sell my SSO aacount. The account contains: LVL 22 18 horses + one that i accidentally sold, if wanted contact SSO'S CS 229 pieces of clothing in total 193 pieces of tack in total 26 pets (including 2 seals, 1 frog and a pig) 51 hair styles (including 4 granny ones) 600 SC 3K+ JS LFT star rider Please do note that i'm not trading the account and i'm not selling it for less than 70$. I can aslo throw in an AO (60+) accout if you offer for at least 85$. contact: Discord - ghostly#1111 Instagram - astralwtf
hey, i'm interested in the account, may i add you on discord? Jay♡#5353 (if the acc is still available