Seling acount in server 162 for 100 dollars level 70 f2p...whith a small amount of investments you can create a powerfuul in discord Kuna#0028...
Now they marked me as ,,high risk'' user, is that because I am asking for money you stole from selling my accounts? This website is a scam, with no support and they will steal your money as they stole mine.
Who the hell are you?..and why you post in my announcement stupid remarks...if you have something whith them talk to them..not here..and i stole something from you?..i dont know you stupid...pfff
I am just telling you that this website will stole your money, if you understand me, like they did to me. You will never get your money from this website, like they stole mine. I just wanted to tell that to everyone that they can lose money like I did. Best regards.