Account Summoner lvl 743 Webzen Mu Online - Helheim Server Level 743 Summoner Build Curse Webzen account + own email (Gmail) (You even keep the email for yourself, you can change the password of the game account and the email, so I won't have any type of access ever again.) ITEMS (Bound) Ancient summoner's red wings set +15+luck+12 (Bound) excellent Red Winged Stick +15+Luck+12+2% Wiz) (Bound) excellent Book of Lagle +15+Luck+12+Life) (Bound) Dimension Wings +11 + Luck (Wing lvl 3) (Bound) Wings of Magic +15+Luck+12 (Wing lvl 2.5) (Bound) Excellent Skill Pendant+mana/8+life/8 Pentagram Kundun'sMagic Spell Scroll 1234 (Water)(this one is not bound, can be sold/traded)