Sold [Offer] FT: NA Endgame Account, 23 SSRs (Castoria + NP2 Muramasa). LF: Venmo 75

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/invictusbeans, 2/15/23.

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  1. /u/invictusbeans

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    I am a college student who doesn't have time to play much anymore. I don't have Paypal so Venmo is the most convenient for me.

    FGO NA Account

    FC: 210,161,023

    Birthday resettable

    23 unique SSRs

    Notable Servants (NP1 unless otherwise indicated, some grailed):

    • 5*: Scathach (NP3), Muramasa (NP2), Archer Arjuna (NP2), Arthur, Saber Musashi, Archer Ishtar, Archer Altria, Gilgamesh, Ozymandias, Caster Altria, Caster Skadi, Merlin, Caster Tamamo, Waver, Kama, Assassin MHX, Berserker Musashi, Arjuna Alter, Beni-Enma, Saber Altria, Enkidu, Quetzacoatl, Space Ishtar
    • 4*: Lvl 100 Parvati (NP2), Lvl 90 Lan Ling (NP5), Lvl 90 Herc (NP3),
    • 3*: Lvl 90 Hans

    Notable CEs (not MLB unless otherwise indicated)

    • 2x Kaleidoscope
    • 2x A Fragment of 2030
    • Black Grail
    • 2x Traces of Christmas (Both MLB)
    • Detective Foumes (MLB)
    • Bella Lisa (MLB)
    • Mona LIsa (MLB)
    • Teatime (MLB)
    • Lunchtime (MLB)
    • Fondant au Chocolat (MLB)
    • Sweet Crystal (MLB)
    • Prisma Cosmos
    • Herc Bond CE
    • Caster Altria Bond CE
    • 2x Imaginary Element (MLB)

    Lots of Command Codes & Welfares (See imgur for specifics)

    461 SQ, 29 Tickets, 1 Grail, 5 Lores, 9600ish Mana Prisms, 2 Rare Prisms, 163 Pure Prisms, 388 Gold Apples

    All free quests cleared including Olympus

    Look at imgur for general overview, but feel free to dm for specific questions or if you're looking to buy

    # #/invictusbeans
    # .
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