PC ONLY Looking for: -Required- Excalibur (Prime preferred but doesn't matter all that much) Frost Prime Boltor Prime Nikana Prime ****GLORIOUS NIPPON STEEL**** -Preferred- Prefer other PRIME warframes and weapons. Need Mods for Functional Builds. Forma/Reactors/Planetary Resources Cosmetics are a plus. Extra Platinum Willing to pay upwards of 100 usd via middleman.
I have a 3 years old mastery rank 20 account.lemme know if you are interested.3.5k hours of gameplay recorded on steam.I am accepting $100 steam wallet code.if you wanna add me on steam and negotiate then message me here.I have a level 11 steam account,It is 3 years old.3.5k hours of warframe gameplay and 2k hours of cs go gameplay,other games are there too.So no need to worry.
you would be overwhelmed by the amount of items I have in my account.Got excal Proto armor,prisma and immortal skin.Pm me only after you are convinced.
IDK if you still buying but this what i got S>MR 13 Pc warframe account. 638 hours,522k credits left Incubator is upgraded with 5 kubrows,(Going to name a few stuff to highlight the account there is more than what im saying on the account) All elemental/Status mods,Primed Mods (Continuity,Ravage,Morphic,Point Blank,Slip Mag)All corrupted mods,Has half of slash/puncture mods ,Frames (all potato'd)Ash,Ash P,Banshee,Chroma,Ember P,Equinox,Excal,Frost P,Hydroid,Loki P,Mag P,Mesa,Mirage,Nekros,Nova P,Nyx P,Oberon,Rhino,Rhino P,Saryn,Valkyr,Vauban,Volt P, Zephyr. Weapons of interest(not listing all) Boltor P,Braton P,Burston P,Latron P,Prisma Grakata,Soma P,Strun Wraith,Lex P,Sicarus P,Vasto P,Wraith Twin Viper,Dakra P,Glaive P,Prisma Dual Cleaver,Prisma Skana,Prisma Shade.(all are potato'd)have a good amount of cosmetic items too and many more LF> at least $80 paypal if interested add me on skype steven103093 or msg me here to talk more about the account
Hi, i got all u want except the Excalibur prime. Many rare item/mod, 400 plat and 10M credit(MR 19). Wil let go at 150$. PM me if u interested. Check my thread for more detail. TQ