hello I am a lvl 34 that has coined a lot in my game ive played for two years but its about time to give it up so just looking at offers right now ill give you the basic run down tech 10 academy 10 cc 7 workshop 10 defense lab 10 airfield 10 all storages including thorium 10 drone silo 9 towers lvl 5 turrets mortar and machine gun 7 napalm 7 cyro 6 laser 2 flak 2 cc turret 7, tech units rabbit 1, buggy 7 rhino 8 Humvee 14 honey badger 1 razor 8 elite gats 14 paladin 12 suicide truck 14 challenger 9 elite hellfires 14 elite megas 14 behemouth 14 hover tanks 14 widow x 14 AIR UNITS wing drones 14 copter drones 14 cobras 14 thunderbolts 14 raptors 14 halcyon 14 havoc 1 ehs 14 titan 14 ACADEMY UNITS elite rifle men 14 heavy gunners 9 elite valks 14 mortar 7 flamethrower 5 ss bomber 9 sniper 9 stinger 14 shock troops 14 hercs 14 vanguard 14 colossual 1 if youd like more information please contact me and make an offer if interested thanks