Sold ITV are looking for people who would like to...

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Services for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by MattCasting Montgomery, 3/10/16.

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  1. MattCasting Montgomery

    MattCasting Montgomery
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    ITV are looking for people who would like to settle their disputes or claims on the court show Judge Rinder! Are you in the middle of a dispute that needs settling? Do you want to make a claim against someone you believe has done wrong to you? Does someone owe you money for a service you've provided or rent? Perhaps you've split with someone and they refuse to give you your belongings back? Maybe you're the one who stands accused of damaging someone's property or owing someone money, and you want the chance to put your side and try to prove you owe them nothing! PLEASE CONTACT ME ON: PHONE NUMBER: 01619520874 E-MAIL: [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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