Selling  Rating 1000k+  Both Android/iOS R5 NICK FURY | 7 R4 | PARAGON | 16K PRESTIGE

Discussion in 'Marvel Contest of Champions Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jayzoxx, 2/9/23.

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  1. jayzoxx

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    Good day everyone!

    I have an awesome account available for purchase, which comes with original info so you have full control, and a name change token to enable you to truly make it your own! The account has never been banned, had mercs used, or a negative unit balance / ban. It's a super clean account with no negative history.

    Highlights include..


    R5 Nick Fury

    R4 Doom, Hercules, Apocalypse, Galan, Omega Sentinel etc..

    Way too many R3. Most content completed, but there's still some exploration to do meaning there's still rewards to further upgrade the account!

    Lots of resources like awakening gems and catalysts.

    Asking $350, I'm not sure if it's too high of a price though. So feel free to make an offer, I'm willing to negotiate.

    Add me on line for pics and info > championfever
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