Hello there, im currently super bored with my cleric and sw so im looking to trade them for a templar, glad or a ranger. that is as geared or more geared. Clerics PvE HP Gear: Enraged Hyperion Mace: Hp 105 x2, Hp 100 x4. Lunatic Modors Scale Shield: Hp 105 x1, Hp 100 x3, Hp 95 x1. Enraged Hyperion Cleric Chain Armor: Hp 105 x2, Hp 100 x4. Lunatic Modors Chausses: Hp 105 x1, Hp 95 x4. Enraged Hyperion Cleric Spaulders: Hp 105 x2, Hp 100 x4 Enraged Hyperion Cleric Handguards: Hp 105 x2, Hp 100 x4 Taipum Brogans: Hp 85 x 5. Lunatic Modor Cleric Chain Helm BM Accesories Enraged Hyperion Ceranium Necklace Total Hp with cleric + npc buff: 18.3k. Total Hp with chanter + npc buff: 19.1k Clerics PvP MR Set: Infinity Shards Mace +0: Magic Resist 20 x2, Magic resist 16 x4 Custodians Divine Battle Shield +5: Magic resist 16 x6 Custodians Divine Haukberk +5: Magic resist 16 x6 Custodians Divine Chausses +5: Magic resist 16 x6 Custodians Divine Brogans +5: Magic resist 16 x6 Custodians Divine Spaulders +5: Magic resist 16 x6 Custodians Divine Handguards +5: Magic resist 16 x6 Sunayakas Hairpin Same Accesories as PvE Set. Total Magic resist with food 2,664. Various Items/Cera's/Etc: Bastion Agressor Firm Mace +5 Remo Danuar staff with blood mark combine fully slotted with magic boost Silence godstone 1.1 mil ap 273 Cera Medals 581 Cera Frags 181 blood marks 107 blood medals. Hyperion Wings, Hyperion wings skinned with Trillinerk Ice Flame Feather, Vashrati Brigade General Wings Shugo Samaratin title +500 hp +500 mp +5 MB Plume. Songweavers PvE Gear: Full set of ac gear fully slotted with magic boost 27's and ancient slots are done with 28's and 30's AC wep with Vash Atk speed combine +5 Full set of IS accesories IO belt Vash PvE head piece total mb/ma in pve gear 3721 mb 2025 Ma Songweavers PvP Gear: Custodians Divine Tunic +5: Magic boost 27/ Magic Acc 7 x6 Custodians Divine Leggings +6: Magic Boost 27/ Magic Acc 7 x6 Kunax Gloves +5: Magic boost 27 / Magic Acc 7 x3 Magic boost 28 x1. Bm PvP accesories Kunax Ring +2 Various Items: Chargeable Stigs: Chorus of blessing, impassion, freestyle, Mvt Autumm, Paean of Pain, Stinging note. which unlocks Delusional Dirge -600 mb -120 atk on a enemy 218 Blood Medals 31 Blood marks 651 Cera frags 18 Cera Medals 353k Ap. Tier 1 Stat DR Harp 5 Slot max enchant +13 Greater Mythic Socketing Mythic wep retuning and much more!