Before buying, write to me on Discord Discord: Ghostface#7656 Open to offersAccount info: Big Berserker 1571 Gearscore MAX LEVEL 20 BRESHALZA WEAPON - 6 PIECE BRESHALZA FULL SET WITH 90+ QUALITY ON ALL PIECES AND 98 QUALITY WEAPON LVL 4 Grudge, keen blunt, mayhem, berserker's technique and gvg engravings worth about half million or more. 1.4mil pure gold currency, and making 150-250k gold every week. Mayhem build 5 engraves worth with 90-100 quality accesories no debuffs and crit swift bracelet worth around half million All tripods level 5 and upcoming changes 5 new tripod 10 Gems worth 5 million gold Items in storage - costumes and other resale value items worth around 1-2 million gold unbound. In total account has like 8-10million worth of gold not counting gearscore and other stuff. relic pvp badge, all skill points, 193 rooster level, 6x ALT Characters 1460+ on the account - ready for legion and argos rotations, buses or runs. TONS of upgrade materials on all chars. 100-250k+ weekly gold incomeCards decks: FULL GVG SETS MAXED OUT LIGHT OF SALVATION 7% DMG CRIT SET 7%Collectibles: ALL ADVENTURE TOMES ALMOST DONE JUST 2 RAPPORT NPC'S LEFT. SEE PICTURE FOR COLLECTIBLES 80-90% done with all important ones done.Estate lvl 70 with everything maxed out. 2 legendary pets and many pets to use with pet currency. mounts see screens (some not available for sale anymore) Screens: