1480 601 1304 1415 572 (Updated 2/6) Lvl 49 Sahar 2* (equipment) Lvl 59 Celesta 2* Guinevere, Dolomar (equipment), Remiel (some equipment) Aki (equipment), Maalvus, Solara, Krystalia (some equipment), Saint Viscus, Vivian, Katherine, Alanna, Deianira, Tora (equipment), Evalice, Mischa (some equipment), Therian (equipment), and more. Enhanced sword of sighs, enhanced flamebound set https://pasteboard.co/iUyJZ7PnFkho.jpg https://pasteboard.co/hcdBJI0JFDrO.jpg https://pasteboard.co/aBcLczkAr8p8.jpg I no longer accept Middleman because it’s extremely unreliable, it’s taken over a year for it to pay out before and I’m currently still owed money.