Contact me on discord hellfire#9514 2400+ mathom vouchers 3000 gems 3rd construction slot Other bundles are available to purchase Name change available 2/2* refined Aegis (need 1 more Casque for 3/3*) 5/3* Palantir with Pursuit (need 1 more Palantir for 5/4*) 4/0* Gigantic Hammer 3/1* Ranger's Shroud 4/2* Grima Unique Weapon 5/5* Wizard's Fireworks with Pursuit and many more 5/5* Epic items (check screenshots) Sunind is Respect 6 (4300/4800) Witch King is Respect 6 (2300/4800) Sauron is Respect 6 (3500/4800) Grima is Respect 17 Kirun and Saruman unlocked Screens: