Hi! Howrse has always been my passion to play. That is why I have such a huge account thanks to buying tons of passes and spending a lot of time in-game. Total worth of passes that are listed on my pass-page: 131429. 100 passes are 1,30 euros. So a value of 1314 euros of passes alone. 729 passes have not been spent and I own a lot of love divines (21 = 420 passes each month). I have 1270 days of seniority. The divines I own: 2x Tiny 1x Zebra 5/6 prehistoric divines 21x love divines 1/3 metals 4/8 fairy tales 2/4 musketeers 4/12 dragons 8+/8 reindeers 4/11 grails 3/6 christmas 3/17 japanese 1/1 ancestral 13/17 pastries 10/28 chimeras 4/10 maori 5/16 nordics 2/8 plant kingdom 2/10 celtics 3/13 zodiac 7/7 chinese 1/8 rainbow 7+/13 winds 3/26 wilds 8/41 mythological 3/12 water (cascade is currently pregnant) Quindecim Starry Aura solar system howrse Many other good howrses and a lot of BMI's. + divines that I have offer high value luck items and black market items, also like the themis scale and hermes winged staff. The high price for this account ($1200) is because of all the time and recourses I put into this game. Whenever you purchase the account, it is recommended to not change the email.
30 percent of all divines!! The title changed some stuff. And I have a lot of duplicate divines as well, for example the christmas divines which give out passes every 25th of december. So every december you will have 800 passes as well!