Hi. I want to sell 3 higher level chars on babel. First up is a 84 Str Blader with a 76+7 SoM Blade fully pimped with a Fully pimped 9d set and last tier 9d set waiting in storage it's not farmed but it has what skills it needs. At least 50m on the char when its sold. Just started a prem+ on this one. Second we have a 87 Str Bow char with a nice 9d set good blued up and a 85+5 Bow Fully pimped with 100% phy attack. in storage theres alot of elixirs. 15m on the char when its sold. No premium on this one. Third we have a 81 Pure int S/s Nuker with a fully pimped 76+3 SoM Sword and a good 1st tier 9d set. Masteries are at 70 cold 69 bicheon and 81 light light has all skills maxed and bicheon for KD,Stab and chains. Cold for Buff, passive and snow shield. Comes with 30m and nothing special in storage. Also just started a premium+ on this one. Will also trade with a 80+ FF euro on Babel! Taking offers at so add my MSN ***************************************************** or leave a msg in this thread. I'll provide screenshots of everythig relevant on MSN. See you all and have a nice day.Trading trading lvl 42 blader for maplestory