Exploiting @Sorvi is replying messages to bump his own topics and spamming repeated threads

Discussion in 'Disputes - Banned Scammers' started by QLC, 3/23/20.

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  1. Sorvi

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    2 weeks of waiting and in the end another useless long read with you crying out loud . Thanks, we are extremely enjoing all your useless attempts to do anything against me.

    We understand that you are defienetely not smart or may be even stupid but again - lets do some mathematics you clown

    September - 3 sales through player up (i did 18)
    October - 2 sales through player up (i did 20)

    So, loser ? With 100+ threads during 2 months you made just 5 sales through the site,what does it mean - you are just exploiting site system to do 99% of your deals out of site. It clear visible for everyone. So enjoy being a loser , its your deserved place . And yes , funnyiest thing for my team how you are bumping all day long trying to make my threads invisible for clients with no sleeping at all just to earn 20-30$ . LOL . Think about begging on Sagrada Familia , may be it will give you more profit, clown

    In terms of your cheating - you know that i know the truth about who you are, all admins in starting guide swgoh server know the truth and soon mostly all who involved in selling buying service will know about who you are. You was so stupid to speak about your own cheating, so now you just receiving what you deserved. Zero tolerance and zero respect to the guys who used cheats , 2 time more to you who made money from cheating. And yes , it doesnt matter if you did it during last 2 years and now stopped (of course not) , from the very begining you could create and develop hoard accounts without cheating but you chose way of cheating to save time, so its your own choice to being a cheater and you will stay cheater for me and for swgoh community forever. No matter that you deleted everything from your site , you cant hide the truth

    Another free advice to you clown: the more attempts to do anything against me with your fake reports the more damage you will make to your own reputation and business .

    Bye , clown
    #41 Sorvi, 11/1/21
    Last edited: 11/1/21
  2. OP

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    Well already just sent private message to @Hulk as it seems they not receive mention notification, or only @Ryan who simply mentions @Hulk who maybe not receive it or receive a lot and missed it, so from now I will be sending private messages to all moderators until they apply the things I said, your anarchy has finished :laughing:
  3. Sorvi

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    Dont forget to send a private message to the Pope and Spanish Prime minister , they will help for sure
  4. OP

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    LOL enjoy your minutes of glory because probably they not saw this thread during this time :laughing: at the end I'm doing something good for you, because if I do the same than you, it would be against yourself, if you can do illegal bumps with 30 accounts, then also I can do the same with my 120 accounts, and your 30 accounts will be in the 4th page all the time LOL so you should be happy I'm doing the best for you :laughing: I'm teaching you how to do a correct business LOL as you are like a newbie who simply copy my methods and needs learn strategies and manners.

    You say "up" 1 time in 30 threads? I will say "up" 5 times in 240 threads. You say "update" 1 time in 30 threads? I will say "update" 5 times in 240 threads. You publish a pic 1 time in 30 threads? I will publish all SWGoH characters, 1 per reply, in all 240 threads :laughing: You publish duplicated threads without MM listing to have 10 bumps instead of 5? I will publish all my threads 5 times to have 25 bumps instead of 5. If nothing happens, then let's play the same game, and you will lose that game, but then don't go to write private messages to @Help to complain about the same you are doing :laughing:

    So the best it can happen is that @Hulk sends you a warning to demonstrate that the moderation still exists in this forum. If this forum was another one where you also participate, you would be banned since long time ago. Here is a little anarchy and you can do all you want and nothing happens, you can exploit the Middleman systems, send fake negative feedbacks, add fake positive feedbacks to your own profile, create multiple users to avoid the ban and send more fake feedbacks, try to harm the sales other sellers continuosly, like calling your Russian friends like absolutone2 of your same guild to write fake negative comments, do illegal bumps, bump sold accounts, publish repeated threads, report messages to make them not visible in public, call the people "clown" and "cheater", and you can do all you want and nothing happens in this forum, you stilll are here :laughing: in the other forum you would have a ban multipled by 10 lol

    So if you not receive penalty because all these things, then is supposed I can do the same, then all you do, remember will be multipled by 5 against yourself :)
    #44 QLC, 11/4/21
    Last edited: 11/4/21
  5. Sorvi

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    you doing smth good to me ? if countless fake reports is smth good then it confirms that you are small envious clown

    you , clown, is speaking too much about losing game, but one and real loser here is you . 2 months with more than 70 threads on site, bumping 24\7 and after all of that you are not even close to me . WIth 200 threads you cant even compete with me . So all Your maximum is to send fake reports and cry like a girl here .

    Dont stop , keep make us laughing on you
  6. OP

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    @Hulk it seems this guy don't cares about what you say LOL

    This guy is spamming threads in the "Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes" forum, repeating threads with the same account or same type of account, the content is exactly the same in all threads:



    All these 31 threads are the same thing, only changing a number in the title:
































    Also yesterday started again to reply his own threads sending the same phrase in all threads about another different thread.

    This guy has a big record about exploiting and breaking the PlayerUp rules, I share below all the breaking rules he did.

    I don't know why he is still here in this forum, he is not needed in this forum, only is disturbing.


    When he got banned he said that from now all his sales would be through PlayerUp, but in every thread he says that if the buyers contact him by Discord, they will be able to pay by other methods, like Wise or cryptocurrency, also had PayPal few days ago, and they will get a disc0unt, they will pay less money than the indicated in the price tag of the threads with Middleman listing:


    But the real thing is this message in every thread:


    For example:




    This guy likes a lot the war and is contantly breaking the rules in this forum:


    Some of the things he did in the past are:

    1) Try to destroy the reputation of other sellers

    2) Publish items he can't deliver

    3) Publish fake prices and fake accounts

    4) Exploit the Middleman listings



    Hulk explained us this attitude. Got banned for this reason (link above) and others below.

    For if you not noticed, he said the following thing about PlayerUp:

    Hey, mate , I just received message on my email that u probably payed for my account. But unfortunately it was already booked today by another buyer for 24 hours , those guy should buy it.

    and from the other side I can’t accept payment through the site , cuz it’s super inconvenient service for the seller : site will resend to me ur money minimum in 3 weeks after your payment and takes for that ugly service 10% commission from me . So I’m working only directly with pay pal .
    Please chose status “buyer canceling order “ when the stupid site will open 3 way conversation and u will be fully refund . for any additional questions I’m available at discord:Sorvigolova#9747

    5) Send fake negative feedbacks to other sellers


    Already I reported it, as he did the same against me, one time here:


    Also I detected that in his same guild where he build hoard accounts he had an account named Absolutone1 which is the same username he used to publish fake feedbacks, so was confirmed.

    If was not a second account, for sure was a friend, as was playing in the same guild, maybe someone who purchased a hoard account and was collecting rewards there. Was an user who published a negative comment in my thread (which Rolan the moderatore removed) and when I got back to the activity, as I got inactive like 2 months, this user was marked as inactive, I think not connected in the forum during 3 months, but only 5 hours later after I got back he appeared again and wrote another message, which was his second message in the forum LOL so he only had 2 messages in the forum, both against me, a Russian guy, with an IP also from Moscow and playing in the same guild than Sorvi. So is very clear.

    6) Bumping threads with spam

    7) Bumping sold threads


    I reported it and Hulk replied here:


    He was bumping threads saying "up", or "updated" and also publishing a pic which has nothing to do with the account. Hulk sent him a warning.

    Currently he is bumping sold accounts to harm the visibility of other sellers, which also I do, only because the moderators are doing nothing against it, when I reported it a lot of times, when he is warned o banned because of it I will stop also.



    Ryan is another moderator who knows very well his attitude, about the contant bumps, bumping 30 threads in 5 or 10 minutes, to harm the visibility of other sellers, and now is much worse, because also bumps sold threads.

    8) Second accounts to avoid the ban


    He got banned a second account.


    The fun thing is he said that was a friend living in his own house and also selling accounts LOL


    It happened while he was banned. Then he used a second account to continue selling, exploiting the rules which say that the banned users cannot participate again.

    9) Fake positive feedbacks to his own account



    Got reported here:


    Again multiple accounts with the same IP, against receiving fake positive feedbacks. He got banned like 4 or 5 accounts as total. I think he currently is doing the same thing, but got some way to avoid the protection system, like use mobile data and change the IP each time, simply changing the IP, using some VPN which PlayerUp not detects or things like this, not sure if he still is doing it, probably yes, but for sure he did it a lot of times in the past, as Hulk and Ryan noticed and reported.

    10) Reporting messages with no reason to make them not visible for visitors


    I reported it here:


    When you report a reply of some message, appears the following message:


    So after report a message, the reply disappears for normal visitors. He does it against my list of accounts, as I usually publish in a reply my list. Also he did it in several threads.

    Probably he did more things, I need check all things he did, as is a long infinite list LOL will be publishing more.

    It's time to get him banned permanently finally


    Hulk said he had a last opportunity and since then he did several more things, first he started to bump threads publishing pics or with short messages to have more than 5 bumps per day, exploiting the system, then started to report messages with no reason to make them not visible for visitors, then started to publish repeated threads with the same type of account and price to harm my visibility and other sellers, so this guy is a non-stop, is contantly breaking the rules.


    It's time to get him pernanently banned, he had a lot of opportunities, allowing him continue doing sales, but he breaked a lot of times the rules since then, and it seems now he is doing sales directly by Wise or criptocurrency, as is Russian and has problems to receive the money, so if he gets banned and I get a special treatment, the PlayerUp earnings will be multiplied by 5 or by 10 in this forum at least. So he doesn't deserve more chances, he had enough.
    #46 QLC, 1/12/23
    Last edited: 1/14/23
  7. OP

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    Never mind, is not needed do anything, you can allow him do all repeated threads he wants, as nobody cares about the hoard accounts currently, if someone purchase it is stupid, as are not useful anymore, so he is harming himself bumping these threads, as to find some of his normal accounts the buyer will need scroll to the 3th page currently, soon when I have more account will be 4th or 5th page to find some of his normal accounts, so is a good thing if he wants bump hoard accounts, is like bump threads with fish and chips, nothing useful :laughing: so continue spamming repeated threads, I don't care. If the admins and/or moderators care about it, then simply ban him and problem solved, or remove him the ability to bump threads and publish replies.
  8. OP

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    Then will you help against the @Sorvi massive spam threads? as you marked as sold all my threads when he reported me, but you did nothing against his own spam, which started almost 1 year ago, on October 2022, since then I reported it, here in this thread, in other threads I created, by private message, by Discord to Middleman, who sent him a warning but he continued doing the same, but he reports me 1 day and he gets it, has no sense lol

    He did these threads about hoard accounts only to reduce my visibility, nothing more, as I had 110-120 threads, of real accounts for sale, each account had an owner, finally I sold all of them during the last year, but he only had 30 account for sale, so his visibility was much worse, as I was bumping all these threads 5 times per day, as is the legal thing. If I have 120 accounts for sale and he only has 30, he needs accept if, maybe because more people is interested to have my help than his help, maybe because I'm a better seller, maybe because he is lazy, I don't care the reason, the fact is that when I'm active I have 3-4 times more accounts for sale than him and he needs accept it, he cannot do spam only to have the same amount of threads than me and try to harm my sales and my visibility, this will not work.

    Also I have a lof of tickets accounts for sale I used for the hoard accounts, my original system which he copied me lol and which currently is useless as are not useful anymore, in his threads he has 500-600 views, no one is buying this thing, the only useful thing about the hoard accounts is create threads, disturb me and reduce my visibility, mine and other sellers.

    He has a problem with it. Before I started to sell normal accounts, when I was only creating hoard accounts, I only had 3 threads, one for the 1 round accounts, another one for 2 rounds accounts and a final one for 3 rounds accounts, as were 3 different prices, different characters and resources, so is correct have 3 threads for 3 different things, but is not correct have 50-70 threads for the same thing. These hoard accounts are exactly the same thing all of them, only there are few little differences like some more tokens, some more shards, something you can get in 2-3 days, nothing that makes a big difference between the accounts, are the same thing. I had an Excel spreadhseet simply. He has a website where the buyers can check all these accounts, probably better than my spreadsheet, so is enough for the buyers, the buyers cannot know which account is better only checking the threads, they need join in the website and compare resources, so he can have 1 thread for all hoard accounts, maybe 2 threads if has a different type, if wants have 3 or 4 threads, for more different types, is not a problem, I don't care, but 50-70 threads for the same thing it means his only purpose is harm the visibility.

    If @Hulk Middleman and everyone consider this thing like a correct thing, no problem, I have more than 100 accounts ready to be sold, are not fake accounts, are real, I have 100 Gmails accounts with these accounts linked there, so I can put all of them for sale and then combine them with my normal accounts, I will do 1 bump of a normal account and 1 or 2 bumps of these tickets accounts, only changing the ID in the title, like he does, I will put the ally code as different ID and put a different link, rest of thread will be exactly the same in all accounts, like he does, exactly the same he is doing.

    @Hulk marked all my threads as sold only because I repeated 3 times the same account, when he is repeating 70 times the same account or the same type of account since 10 months ago lol

    This is harming the sales of this forum, as when the buyers join in the forum they only see hoard accounts for sale, nothing more, and nobody cares about it, so they leave this forum and maybe they go to eNPC to buy swgoh accounts, as there the rules are clear and is not allowed these attitudes. So adding my tickets accounts will be worse, but I will not do the same than him, bumping all hoard threads at same time, I will combine 1 bump of a normal account with 1 bump of a tickets account, to at least keep the utility, functionality and the aesthetic of the forum.

    I don't care about his activity, with 3 repeated threads I was happy enough, was an extra effort, but was enough to block his massive spamming. Now @Hulk decided that repeat 3 times each account was spam, then I think repeat 70 times the same account is much more spam.

    I'm not watching constantly what is he doing, I do my job and I not have time to watch his activity. He is contantly connected in the forum bumping threads when I do some bump. He has a problem with it, like I said, as when I only was doing hoard accounts, with only 3 threads, he was bumping 15 accounts only to reduce the visibility of my hoards, when were different things, but also when I was not selling normal accounts he was trying harm my sales. @Hulk knows it because receiver a lot of complains about other sellers who received fake negative feedbacks, I received one also from a friend on his guild named absolutone2 which the only messages he has are against me when I never talked with this guy lol so probably he asked him send me a negative comment only to harm me. He is constantly breaking the rules, is bumping sold accounts constantly, now as PlayerUp removed this option, he unmarks the sold accounts to put again for sale, he bumps them again and he marks again as sold, only to have extra bumps and harm my visibility LOL which is absolutely against the rules, but he does it contantly all day.

    He got banned already one time, got warnings a lot of times, but still is there. He is not needed for this forum, I can afford all his sales, if he disappears, PlayerUp will get the same amount of money or probably 2 or 3 times more, as I can sell 120 accounts at same time, he only sells 30, plus he is from Russia, few people trust Russians nowadays, and there is a lot of problems in the payments to Russians, plus do business with Russians is risky for PlayerUp, all platforms are blocking them, but you are doing business with Russians, PlayerUp can have legal problems because of it, probably he is using cryptocurrency to receive the money to Russia, so needs use PlayerUp as payment platform, as probably cannot receive directly by PayPal, Wise and other payment platforms. I mostly use PayPal, because is instant, on PlayerUp the sales sometimes are delayed months, I currently have 4 sales delayed since January/February, 4 angry owners waiting their money, 3-way conversations never started since January, if PlayerUp solve all these problems, for me is better use PlayerUp as payment platform as I receive an extra money, as on PayPal there is 3% fee because of the currency exchange fee, 5% fee because of the PayPal fee, so if PlayerUp sends me the money by Wise and later I send a bank transfer to the owner, I get an extra money, simply PlayerUp needs work quickly with me and we will do much more sales and tens of thousands of dollars per month, we don't need Sorvi to sell these swgoh accounts, absolutely not needed, with this massive spam he is harming the PlayerUp sales, as reduce the visibility of other sellers and the buyers only see an useless thing for sale.

    So it's time to stop this massive spam which is active since 10 months ago. If I sell 3 or 4 times more accounts than him (thing that will happen in next weeks, not that I got 100% back), he needs accept it, if has some problem, he can go to cry in his bed, is the only thing he can do, we cannot accept 70 repeated threads with the same thing only to harm the visibility of other sellers, specially my visibility.

    If @Hulk and other moderators consider that Sorvi is acting very well and this is a correct attitude, I not have problems with it, as I will be very happy to put for sale all my tickets accounts and recover some money, I have more than 100 accounts which I will put for sale and try to get 10 USD per account, I was selling some of them, I sold more than 30 already, when they were getting level 85 I had ONLY ONE THREAD for them, and I sold 30 of them, all from the same thread, I not had 30 tickets accounts for sale like he is doing, only one thread, but if the moderators and admins consider is correct do this thing (I think is not correct), then I will do the same and I will sell my accounts, then will not be possible report it, as will be the same thing he is doing, will be real accounts, each one with a different ally code, different shards and resources, very low differences, like his hoard accounts, which are the same thing, but simply the same he is allowed to do, but soon or later I will have again 120 accounts for sale, as I have a lot of requests every day, all days at least 2 people contact me to sell their accounts, and this is only the beginning, I want apply the same in other games also, I was selling 1 to 4 accounts per day, so PlayerUp would do a lot of money with me if they have a constant comunication with me, instead of accept the Sorvi reports to my threads, about same things he is doing and I needed do also because when I reported no one helped me, instead of accept these attitudes, would be better talk with me actively by Discord, help to expedite my sales, work together and do a lot of money, helping people to enjoy the games, helping people to get money, I'm doing a lot of sales on Ukraine, helping people from there which are using the money to help their families being attacked by Russians, for example, is a good service, PlayerUp should help expediting quikcly the sales and have an active comunication with me, as with a good comunication I would be one of the best sellers of this site, I do 24 hours live streaming, with a trusted method, a good reputation, everyone is happy, safe methods which prevent scams, so I not deserve things like all my threads marked as sold only because I'm trying fight against a Russian who is attacking me, it seems is common thing in this country, attack others.

    So I hope the moderators stopi the massive spam of this Russian, who likes a lot the war, is contantly generating problems, see the compilation above in the first message, I will put this thread as closed, as I not want receive more insults and attacks from him, simply I wanted say all things that must be said in this situation, if the moderators and admins decide he not deserves be banned, after all things he did and continues doing, with continuos attacks to other sellers, I don't care, but at least I want play with the same rules, if the spam is not allowed, if I cannot repeat 3 times each account, then I not want see his 70 threads about the same thing, and if you decide that this attitude is correct and is allowed, the when I publish my 100 tickets account I not want complains from him, massive reports and the things he does, as simply will be the same he is doing, also I have the rights to put my tickets accounts for sale, also if are 5 or 10 times lower value than his hoard accounts, so also I know how to play this game, and I will play this game very soon, but I hope @Hulk reads something of this reply and contacts me by private to stop the Sorvi spamming.
  9. Ryan

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    I don't disagree with you and you should feel wronged. Problem is - he uses Middleman, he's a source of revenue for the website to continue onwards.

    I'm essentially inactive on this website. Just know, I've read it and feel for you. But ultimately, complaining about his tactics on getting more sales is in vain.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  10. OP

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    I used 70 times PlayerUp as payment platform, my last sale through PlayerUp was yesterday, for example, maybe my percentage of sales through PlayerUp is lower, because I use PayPal, which is instant, and I'm not from Russia, I not have problems to receive and send money like he does, but a lot of people like use PlayerUp for double security, used it 70 times and I would use much more times if they help me quickly to expedite my sales, I have 1 cashout pending since February, a February sale where me and the buyer marked as received and still I not received it in the MM Balance, a 3-way conversation not started since January and the owner very angry because lost 900 USD in his crypto payment, another who paid on February and neither started the 3-way, this site has a lot of problems, but when the site was working correctly, I was doing 1 or 2 sales per week through PlayerUp, so currently, with 3 or 4 times more accounts than him for sale, I would do the same amount of sales than him or more, so I deserve the same rights and the same treatment, if I get a penalty, like all my threads marked as sold, only because I repeated each thread 3 times, he has 70 repeated threads and he needs applied the same criteria, also if he has more Middleman sales than me currently, and if he has it is because is the only way he can do sales, because is from Russia, I have more ways and as PlayerUp is not expediting my sales, until they solve these delay problems, I need use other methods, but this is not my problem, I'm ready to work with PlayerUp when they decide expedite the sales instead of hold them during more than half of the year, meanwhile all sellers deserve the same criteria, I reported this attitude since 10 months ago and he not got a penalty like Hulk did with my threads, some years ago Hulk was who banned him, was who warned him a lot of times, who said him that has a last opportunity, that if he does again the same things will be banned, and now it seems is his best friend LOL as he continues doing these illegal things against other sellers and never gets a simple warning, and with this spam he never gets the same criteria and all threads marked as sold like Hulk did with me, now I have my 40 accounts for sale, no repeats, and he has 20 accounts for sale and 70 hoard accounts threads repeated LOL so when I publish my 100 accounts, with similar titles and messages, I hope is applied the same criteria and is allowed sell all these similar accounts like he is doing.
    #50 QLC, 8/11/23
    Last edited: 8/11/23
  11. OP

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    It seems that this argument about he is using Middleman not works anymore lol as he is publishing accounts at x10 value to avoid use PlayerUp as payment platform. But it seems @Hulk and @Middleman don't care about it too much, as still not got banned after all things he did since the beginning, with 10 things compilation, now 11 things lol He is exploiting Middleman to get the threads pinned, with x10 times the value, accounts with 1500 USD value published at 15.000 USD to avoid people use PlayerUp as payment platform. Last time he received a Middleman positive feedback was 3 months ago. He is not using it anymore. So is time to get him banned, as only is disturbing publishing the same account 50 times in different threads, repeated threads, is reducing the reputation of PlayerUp, harming the visibility of other sellers like me who are selling at normal prices, different accounts, not the same hoard account all the time, so is a non-sense he still is there and not banned:


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