Selling WTS ACCOUNT HELLION + ANTRIKSHA 70/70 GP - Veteran...

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Omar Rodríguez Rodríguez, 2/26/16.

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  1. Omar Rodríguez Rodríguez

    Omar Rodríguez Rodríguez
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    WTS ACCOUNT HELLION + ANTRIKSHA 70/70 GP - Veteran Account (Since Aion released) Price 150€ HELLION - CLERIC 65 (Essencetapping 499, Aethertapping 499, Alchemy 500, 3x rank 1 MR set, 1x 2 star offi MR set, 1x Rank 1 Shield, 1x 2 star offi shield, 1 Block strife set, 1 kahrun full hp set, kata set PVE HP 5/6, kata set PVE MB 2/6), 2 kata staff (with mb+28), 1 runadium enhaced staff , 1x magic rune tribe staff fused with strife, 230kk at inv + about 1kkk in mats, that cotain 3 myth scroll, x44 L5, y x39 L4), motorbike mount. 3x greater stigmas no limited (benevolence, splendour of rebirth, summon healing servant) - GUNNER 40 (Full set Abys lvl 30 +10/+11) - ASSASSIN 36 (Cooking 500, 2x Sword Abyss lvl 30 +15, and about 100kk in mats) - AETHERTECH 35 (Handicrafting 511, and about 250kk in mats) - CHANTER 30 ANTRIKSHA - CLERIC 63 ( Essencetapping 499, Aethertapping 499, Alchemy 500, x1 Gold Pack, Lightning Wings, and mats, 400kk at inv). - ASSASSIN 35 (Tailoring 413, Set Craft +10 + 2x Kromede's Dagger +10) More inf, private message.
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