has following stats: energy 211 (+5) stam 375 (+15) attk 2277 (+55) def 65 (+1) health 100 (+227) has following pvp stats: battle rank: 23 wins 55k losses 33.9k execution 4652 has following skills: Sniper : rank 5 - 37000/40 000xp Head shot : lvl 5 Lucky shot : lvl 2 concealed shot : lvl 1 mark target ; lvl 1 KILLING SPREE lvl 3 invisiblr lvl 2 veteran lvl 5 GHOST lvl 1 : 458 / 1000 xp has the following lts: over 50 lts 3* SIN 3* DIABLO 4* ALPHA 6* PAIN 1* RAVEN 1* VANQUISH 1* DUKE 4* EL TORO 2* HOTWIRE 3* FOX 2* KATE AND MUCH MORE Since like 6 months i'm not playing anymore , i've spent near 2000 dollars on this game mostly for the LTS haha. My kik : worldofshout mail : [email protected]