Resolved False Negative Feedback from Known Scammer

Discussion in 'Feedback - Open A Claim' started by maniacmat77, 2/23/16.

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  1. maniacmat77

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    Suspended Status: This user has been suspended for terms of service violations or fraud practices

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    1. Date Dispute Happened
    Feb 22, 2016

    2. Are You The Buyer or Seller
    N/A There was no transaction

    3. Total Transaction Value

    4. Other Members Username

    5. Why Should The Feedback Be Removed
    False negative feedback left by known scammer after I posted a warning to buyers on his thread. @Peter.Zeux has 3 active disputes and multiple banned accounts. He continues to make new accounts and posts the same base for sale. Please remove the negative feedback left by this known scammer.

    6. Provide All Chat Logs, Screenshots and Additional Information Below

    Here are his active disputes:

    Exploiting - Jason Butrua Scam | PlayerUp - Video Game Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.

    Exploiting - Scammer stole money | PlayerUp - Video Game Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.

    Stole Money - A member of PlayerUp scammed me through paypal. Joshua18 is his name | PlayerUp - Video Game Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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    Automated Helper Bot
    Bot Status (Automated): Handles automated general support inquiries

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    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

    Automated Response

    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

    Automated Response

    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.


    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

    Automated Response

    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.


    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

    Automated Response

    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

    [trigger=by]For: maniacmat77 Re: #1[/trigger]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. Admin

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    Admin Status (Staff): This account handles all admin general support inquiries

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    Resolved and User Banned.
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