Selling 520 Captain Medallions 67 WF Crests (3/5 Offensive...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 2/18/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

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    520 Captain Medallions 67 WF Crests (3/5 Offensive WF gear and 1/5 Defensive) 149 DF Crests (1/5 Offensive DF gear) (16/16) Full Defensive and Offensive Sov 5/5 Glyphs 6/6 Tyrant Titan's Belt - Titan's 2H Axe (rr 90+ weapon and gear) Combatant's Superb Shroud Holds every 2H and 1H axes (rr 83 requirement) LOTD Cloak + Ring 10 stacks of liniments 15-20 stacks of Armor pots (varying from 594 Loads of stacks of Officers Health and AP pots. Zephyr Tonics Account also holds pretty much every axe/hammer and armor set available ingame in the bank. Arround 150 gold on the account and quite some 23 and 24 Weapon Skill/Wounds Talismans worth quite a few gold It has some dyes like Ulgu Grey Magical Salvaging 200 Talisman Making 200 Both Progression and Personality Packs. Sub is active till the end of May. Account entitlements: Signet of Cursed Company Gorfang Characters Click for Slayer Screenshot PM me with your offers. (I am NOT interested in any other accounts to trade with)" "WTS 92(almost 93) Engi, 68 AM, 40 WH gorfang ""Full Doom" Tons Asking 320 US dollars" "rr 91.4 BW gorfang ""hello. here for sale we have a BW with 6 piece doomflayer (includes off chest)" [HASHTAG]#NAME[/HASHTAG]? [HASHTAG]#NAME[/HASHTAG]? [HASHTAG]#NAME[/HASHTAG]? -1 glyph needs a couple of cartouches for the second one -tons of 90+ gear including purples -87 skaven staff -6 rare linament seeds -tons of good potions in bank and in alts 3k's armor pots etc. -170 warp insignias AWAY from RR100 STAFF -1500 unused royal insigs -has a couple of lvl 40 alts including a 65+ am with good gear [HASHTAG]#NAME[/HASHTAG]? thanks..." "White Lion & KotBS ""White Lion RR87" 4/5 Offensive Doomflayer (402 DF crest) 3/5 Defensive Doomflayer Full defensive & offensive Sovereign RR90 2-hander ready in the bank. 5/5 Glyphs Apothecary/Cultivating 200 and alot of crafting items. All the old PVE gear and old fun stuff in the bank. KotBS RR80 - Karak Azgal Full offensive Sovereign 4/8 Defensive Sovereign 5/5 Glyphs 2 Royal shields & Royal 1-hander Following alts are on the...
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