Extra details: > IP Lv75 (Has skill slot B, Mana Necklace, Undying Fighting Spirit Title, Cockatigle Mount, S2 SSS cape and S2 SSS title and a bunch of old items that aren't available anymore) > Cem Lv70 (Has skill slot B, Mana Necklace, Mini Berthe pet and Cockatigle Mount) > WS Lv70 (Has skill slot B) > IS Lv 43 (Has skill slot B) > DC Lv41 > BM Lv38 > Base Ara Lv35 Can still create 6 more characters. Notable items contained in the account: Rena's Cheerleader set (without hair) Chung's Plant Overlord 5/5 Chung's Nasod Battle Suit 4/4 Chung's Royal Blood 4/4 Chung's Arch Angel 5/5 + Cannon Chung's Dark Gladiator set 5/5 + Cannon Eve's Mummy 5/5 Eve's Arch Angel 5/5 Elsword's Reaper costume 5/5 Darkness Wyvern set 4/4 Luto's Illusion (Chung) Luto's Traces (Eve) And a bunch of other cash costumes sets and pieces -w- too many to bother naming them