COK Castles 22, 20, 19, 16 and 9 farm accounts together, all in Kingdom 75: Clash of kings, Castle lvl 22 The account has now over 25k gold and many items, like teleports, shields, speed-ups and so on. 3.3 mio power, the VIP is lvl 10. Lord level 29. The account has a high science. It has five marches with active VIP. Clash of kings, Castle lvl 20 The account has over 15k gold and many items, like advanced teleports, anti-scout and millions of resources. 2.6 mio power. VIP Level 10, Lord Level 29. The account has a high science. It has with active VIP five marches. Clash of kings, Castle lvl 19 The account has many items. 600k power. Lord level is 25. Clash of kings, Castle lvl 16 The account has over 20k gold and many items like four advance teleports, five anti-scouts and millions of resources. 750k power. VIP Level 9 half way to Level 10. Lord level is 27. Nine farm accounts All have castles level 11-13, many items and gold. If you want only one or a few castles or a all castles, please make me an offer. Email: [email protected]