WTS CW MAIN 3K GS. (Spellstorm Renegade - Points on oppressor) Black dragon Ioun Stone (full rings bis) 3 archons (fire air earth) dancing blade Campaign: - Sharandar 4/5 - Dread Ring 5/5 - IWD 5/5 - Well of Dragons 4/7 - Underdark 1/5 - PvP 1/3 Main enchantments are: Lesser Negation Perfect Feytouch 2x Vicious r10 some r8-r7 4x Mythic Arti 1x Legendary (CW Sigil) Weapon-Offhand-Neck-Waist Epic rank Jewelry rank 25 Leatherworking rank 20 Autorithy rank 13 Riches: Gwf: (Swordmaster - Destroyer) DC Sigil - GWF Sigil - CW Sigil unlocked CW Has a Epic mount that will have a 2k power stat next module. Please serious offers. If i do not answer here just email me @ [email protected]