Selling WTS SpiritMaster -Rank: General 15° -Rank post...

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Alessandro Carli, 1/24/16.

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  1. Alessandro Carli

    Alessandro Carli
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    WTS SpiritMaster -Rank: General 15° -Rank post merge: 37° you can become general easy --->90 Glory Ticket -Equip MB/HP: Abyss star 2 Up +15, only spoulder +13 Orb katalium +13 skin fire dragon gs illusion fire 2% Full mb27/hp47 -Equip MA: Abyss star 2 full MA +16 SpellBook swb full MA +16 skin fire dragon -Jewels: Necklace + 4, 2 Earring + 4 Helm +4 2 Ring + 3 Belt +3 -Feather +7 (MB 168 ) -Ap 15kk+ and lot of other things In the same account: -AT lv65 3/5 abyss gear rank 1 -Gunner lv65 BM gear -Sin lv60 abyss gear lv50 -Sorc twink lv55 full cruciale -Glad and chanter lv40
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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