Level 127 a lot on with home right now so need to hand it on. Max town hall with max shield Pan goli level 183/190 merc 50/50 skill 20/20 Skull mage level 180/180 merc 32/50 skill 20/20 Glory priestess 180 /180 merc 31 / 50 skill 12 /20 Savage chief 180 / 180 Pounder 178 / 190 merc 46/50 skill 20/20 Abyss demon 165/165 merc 35/50 skill 20/20 Chirnside 151/155 merc 46/50 skill20/20 Loads more heros like 6 more pan goli Spells I use Allied winds level 30 Magma fief 20 Some nice forged weapons 100 thunder blade 90 arcane tome 80 dragon heart Couple more at 70 the 3 more at 50 with a few more new ones Nice account is on eBay if you want to see pics payment through PayPal or ebay Will give buyer Facebook. account to make game secure My direct email [email protected]