Selling   Addmefast 2000 Points + Account Only 1USD

Discussion in 'Addmefast Accounts for Sale' started by Alirezamoney21, 1/5/23.

  1. Alirezamoney21

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    How to contact the seller?
    telegram :Alirezaghayed13

    how To Buy?
    Step 1 Fast delivery :
    Direct purchase with Bitcoin:bc1qxlfc3ag8r6l7xsucl27k7xcmuhq4cp49l54xlj
    Direct purchase with payeer just usd:P1028831525
    Direct purchase with USDT:0x11A9904D125717A2a2f7beDd314Acd919020b4Be
    For direct purchase, contact me on telegram
    Step 2 buy with a middleman :
    Click on buy now
    Make and register the purchase
    After that, activate the order (there is an order link for your email or chat on the site)
    And after activating the delivery group, 1 to 72 hours will be created

    Why should I trust your store?
    The Alirezamoney 21 store has been operating successfully for 5 years
    We have many positives on the site
    Also, photos of our quick deliveries are available on our store Instagram bio page
    We always want the security and peace of buyers
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