Sold [#] Some Free JP Accounts

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Raelious, 12/24/22.

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  1. /u/Raelious

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    I got some JP accounts I purchased and no longer want them, so I'm giving them away for free here.

    Account 1: Summer Kama NP5, NP2 Summer Skadi, NP2 Castoria, Np2 Oberon, Merlin, KoyanskayaLight, Tamamo, Waver, Arcueid, and Orion 722 sq

    Account 2: NP5 Morgan, NP5 Arjuna Alter, NP3 Waver, Merlin, Castoria, KoyanskayaLight, Oymandius, Galatea, Tamamo, Osakabehime 431 sq

    Send me a message if you would like one of these accounts. Merry Christmas!

    # #/Raelious
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