Selling Yo, i'm selling my account I have a ton of force...

Discussion in 'S4 League Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Adam Mencé, 1/18/16.

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  1. Adam Mencé

    Adam Mencé
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    Yo, i'm selling my account I have a ton of force packs and premium sets, your fair price is mine. Lvl 78, 33.775 PEN 7 AP 79 Coupons FPs: DJ Rescue Gun Heart OF Princess*6 Fumbi Senty Nell Alice Shock*2 Honey Bee Sentry Gun*2 Cannonade Rail Gun Signal Railgun Dragonade*2 Shadow Turret Diamond Air Gun Dracula Rifle Heavy Machine Gun Burst Shotgun Puppy Revolver Hand Gun Toy Gun Revolver Piranha Assault Rifle Laser Cat Shark Submachine Gun Shootingstar Spark Rifle Silverhunter Homing Rifle*2 DHa-41*4 Submachine Gun*2 Semi Rifle AYA! Rifle Classic Burst Shotgun Smash Rifle Zin-Katana Burn Signa Blade Crash Storm Bat Guuillotine counter sword*2 Gate Breaker Bloody Spy Dagger Darkness Twin Blade Taser Sword*2 Crow Counter Sword Unlimited Toy Block *2 Unlimited Anchoring*2 Unlimited Block Unlimited Hp Mastery I have 9 FP pets + others Sets : Special Waiter Set Pirate Ace Set Punky Girl set Boxing Girl set Jazz up butterfly Swimsuit set*3 Sixpack set*2 Underway Set Battle Maid set Rebellious set Royal Guard set *2 Patrol Girl set*2 Sexy Diamond Swimsuit set Lilith set Ophelia set*3 Full Fumbi White Western Girl set Western Boy set Pineapple Swimsuit set Plenty of Fumbi unlimited Haircut, lvl 28 Combi and a lot of other shits, paypal only
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