Buying  1-60 Minutes Looking for Supplier | FFXIV Gil | All Server | Price 0.5 per M

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Gil - Buy Sell Trade' started by FFXIV GIL SHOP, 12/21/22.

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    My Location:


    We always buy-in on all servers
    We offer better price for larger amount

    > Long-term partner benefit:
    We prioritize buying from you over others at ANY amount
    We will buy your gold even when we are at maximum stock capacity


    Contact our Discord/Skype for most updated price

    > Long-term partner benefit:
    We offer exclusive price for you compared to others
    We provide additional tools that help you operate your business


    We pay instantly with flexible method of your choice: Paypal, #, Cryptos...more...

    > Long-term partner benefit:
    We flexible to work with you over additional payment method of your choice
    We flexible to work with you to reduce payment fees


    We have flexible delivery method: Face-to-Face, Mail...more...

    > Long-term partner benefit:
    We flexible to work with you over additional delivery method of your choice
    We flexible to fullfil your additional requests regarding delivery process

    For first time business:

    We understand that trust need to be gained so we are very friendly and flexible with new partner
    Please feel free to discuss with our Discord/Skype agents if you have any questions and requests
    Below are some of the common practices we have used for new partner:

    > We can split the transaction into smaller amounts. Ex:
    If you want to sell us 100 units
    You can send 20 units each time for 5 times
    We transfer payment instantly after each trade for 5 times

    > We can do transaction over a middle-man service.
    We can find a highly trusted middle-man service
    We will be happy to cover 50% of middle-man fees

    About us:

    You can find us on every popular platforms
    We are professional MMO trader group
    We buy/sell any MMO products & services (currency, item, account, boosting...)
    We are always open for partnership opportunity

    Contact us:

    Attention: To avoid scammer, please carefully use 'copy & paste' while adding our following IDs

    Discord: ffshop#3739
    Skype: live:.cid.66f79e7d8234205b
    Webapp: coming soon

    #1 FFXIV GIL SHOP, 12/21/22
    Last edited: 12/23/22
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