want to sell account with 2 payed accounts to it. !! 28 days gametime on it i want to sell my AO account due to the fact i play to much other stuff on this account are a 201 nt with reanimated cloak 3th deck all spirit infused ncu and can cast all nano's till izgimmers evveloping flame unbuffed 3k tokens and Tradeskills to make all imps till lvl 220 on this account there are also a 160 fixer with t1 jobe armour and sws3 and synd mess gun,all yutto's and fix grid solo and team,als there are some lower chars with loads of love you in banks and bags, on this acount the keeper has longsword of the illu and t1 armour and viral belt in bags reanimated gladiators cloak on.on other acc there is a 141 fixer trox with GA on more info pm me
STill 27 days of playtime over and 3 merged payed accounts for one price...pm me for items assistant from accounts.
Still for sale,AO merged acount with loads of gear and shopfood and TSkelersgallore ,24 days playtime and around 350m crds total,$135,-
Only today selling this account for 100 $only now NT is 201 and soldier is turned to s10toon and fixer and keeper are 165,added trader lvl 70 and much more only today...