Selling Hi guys i want to sell my castle lvl 24 with 3.5 m...

Discussion in 'Clash of Kings Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Timmy Pannu, 1/19/16.

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  1. Timmy Pannu

    Timmy Pannu
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    Hi guys i want to sell my castle lvl 24 with 3.5 m power in kingdom 515 with lord level 33 and lots of resources in the items to know the exact amount please message me and lots of other items like 45 gathering bonuses of 8 hours and 5 one day gathering bonus and more than 50 VIPs mostly 1 hours and VIP level is 9 too. About 150 k troops of level 8 and 250 k troops of level 7 and 150 k troops of level 6 and others too , in total 600 k troops. And price is just 500 USD. Not only this, three farms one of lvl 16 and two of 15 lvl absolutely free with it. One farm is iron specialist which can produce 800 k iron in 1 day with ease and it also has 44 gathering bonus of 8 hours and 2 of 1 day. And loaded with vips too. And one is food speacialist in same way. If anyone interested please message me on fb.
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