WTS 3 slot char account: HR 70, CW 60, TR 24 - Lvl 70 Hunter Ranger drow alliance assault set + drowhead dread ring and sharandar completed KWALISH MOUNT, lesser soulforged and major lightining enchant 6x Socket rank 7 - Lvl 60 Controling Wizard wood elf Caturday Survivor's Pack - Lvl 24 Trickster Rogue Half-orc Account is level 1 VIP. (20 days still active) 77k astral diamonds available. 23 golds PAYPAL ONLY! This account was my main 2 years ago. Then I stopped playing . When I started , I created a new account . with discounts of recent days I bought the VIP for both, but I realized that I can not handle them. This is why I sell it.
- Lvl 70 Hunter Ranger drow alliance assault set + drowhead dread ring and sharandar completed KWALISH MOUNT 6x Socket rank 7 Account is level 1 VIP still active. 25 $ (I reduced the price because I sold the enchantments)
Buyer Order Confirmation This message is to inform the seller and original author of this thread that a buyer has completed payment for this account listing. We will now be creating a ticket upon verifying the buyers payment. Buyer = @sweeneey
Order Status Update The buyer has confirmed as-described delivery and full transfer of game account ownership. The seller will receive payment shortly. This transaction has now been completed. No further action is required from either member unless they wish to leave feedback for each other. Payment Status: Completed