Selling Selling lv 24 castle in kingdom 86 with almost 3...

Discussion in 'Clash of Kings Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sid Rockzz, 1/17/16.

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  1. Sid Rockzz

    Sid Rockzz
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    Selling lv 24 castle in kingdom 86 with almost 3 mil power and lv 8 troops. Above 500 k troops. 3 farm acnts. One above 15 for mith. Lord 33. Vip almost abt to rch lv 10. 150 k hospital cap. Plenty of rss in crates to rch till lv 26 easily. And nearly 500 1 hr speeds. And 400 2 hr speeds of difrnt types and plenty more cool stuffs in crates. 150 $
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