PRIMARY 320 Doom of Chelchis (Full Auto perk) 320 Harrowed Anguish of Drystan 316 MIDA Multi Tool 314 Touch of Malice 314 Zhalo Supercell 312 Hung Jury 312 Tlaloc 310 Hard 310 Bad Juju 307 Hard Light etc. SPECIAL 320 Black Spindle 320 Eirene RR4 320 Thousand Yard (Hand Laid Stock/Firefly) 319 Stillpiercer 310 Telesto 310 Plan C etc. HEAVY 320 Quillims Terminus 320 Quillims Terminus 320 Elulims Frenzy 314 Dark-Drinker 314 Super Good Advice 312 Elulims Frenzy 311 Truth 310 Thunderlord etc. Exotic Armor equipped: Bones of Eao on Hunter (318) The Armamentarium on Titan (316) Can provide any further info...wont let me upload screenshots (says file too large)