Selling    7800WGR, 1960 WN8, 70k+ battle, 55,Full tech tree, 279,chief,907,260,carro,780 total 343 tanks 136

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Account' started by Singularityuwu, 12/6/22.

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  1. Singularityuwu

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    ASKING PRICE : $220

    If youre interested add me in discord to discuss further



    Mirny-13 2021 rewards and tiger C has been added
    IS-2M added
    vk 105 added
    one more bond vent added (on907)

    alt proto amx 30 and 1 more zero bia crew added.

    update 19 december: 21500 gold remained, 26m silver, some crew books used for french alt proto crew. Lots of active tier 6,7,8 tanks have full field mods now.

    hotchkiss,IS2 china 3 marked, chi to 3 marked

    added kirovets 1 tier8 premium and vk168.

    xmas tree discounts added on czech heavy tanks

    arnold commander has been added

    ranked season 2 completed again silver 114% eff

    season 2 silver,kpz 50t garmr style added

    updated bond count 83k, gold 24k, 23m+ credits

    wz114 and chinese bia crew added. (all chinesse books has been used)

    Ranked season finished silver, 114 SP2 will be added

    ranked concept 1b skill has been added

    114sp2 added

    1 bond rammer and 1 bond vent added

    22 march 2022

    tvp 100 TD has been added and czech crew books used to get 4.6 skilled crew. More 3 marks at mid tiers added

    obj 780 added

    1 more referral contact finished reward ready

    All tier 10 tanks except e3,rhino and obj 268 have full field mods now

    peregrine added

    cobra added

    140 resistor skin added

    all italian tech tree is now ready to unlock 0 xp

    First of all all tech trees are unlocked with every modules together with collectors vehicles. 341 vehicles in garage and 49 vacant garage slots.All top tier and prem tanks are equipped also there are one more line of secondary tanks that are fully equipped with secondary crews ready to play. Account is from 2011 and has 7400 PR with 1860wn8
    over 60k random battles with %54 wr so it is really hard to make wn8 to drop or increase after this level. A lot of vehicle lines have one main crew with 4+ skills and one secondary level for tier 8+ tanks
    All the active tanks have equipments and depot have millions of worth consumables and extra equipment if you want to change playstyle or want to equip for your future tanks. This account has following
    quipment:1x bounty aiming,1x bounty gun laying drive, 1x bounty protection, 1x bounty rammer, 2x bounty stabs, 1x bounty vents, 1x bond turbocharger, 2x bond rammer, 2x bond stabs. Rest of the stuff will be on pictures. All missions on campaign 1 except arty 15 for obj 260 is done with honors. Current 10v10 ranked efficiency is silver with %101+ eff and acc has 4 tokens for 114 sp2.

    All the tanks you see on tier X except arties have 4skill+ crews with a lot of them having zero bia skill crews. Patton has 6.5 skill crew and you also have those extra crews to put on any tank anytime you want. You also have 3 skill + extra crews for secondary tanks on tier 8 that you can join clan modes with. Nearly all the tier 7 and 8 premiums finished their field mods but some of them are not full yet.

    Notable skins:ad astra, 2x damascus style, ranked classic variant 3, conqueror of the stars 6x, Nightfall 2x
    3d styles:Chieftain, carro45t, obj907, skoda t27 3d style in depot, namenlos vk 72k skin in depot, IS4, jagd e100 , obj140 , obj430u ,obj 277 , patton , E4 , E3 , 13 105 , amx m4 54 ,
    centurion # , badger , conqueror gc, 121, wz5a (default 3d), cs63, 60tp, udes15/16 christmas skin, e50m blackmarket skin, obj268, t54, centurion 7/1, amx13 90,t49 mirny skins, t30,
    e75 ts, 705a

    Tier 4-3-2 prems:valentine II, pzfc 1c, t34 l11, toldi III ,pz t15, t116, bt7 art, ltp, t127, t29, locust, mtls 1g14, fcm36pak,
    sexton 1,mka, pzkf 2 d, t45, tetrach, t1e6, t2 light, t7 car
    am39 gendron, amr35, te-ke, Tks 20mm, l60

    T5 prems
    pz t25, pz3k, matilda4, churchill V, t34 shielded, kv220-2, su85I, m4 improved,ram II, t14,
    m10 rbfm, lefh, vailant, matilda BP, excelsior, chi nu kai, stug IV, pz4 hydro,

    t6 prems
    t50-2, bretagne panther, t34 85m, firefily vc, type 64, strv m42 57, ht no VI, tier 6 english fridge, su100y, vk28 105,

    t7 prems
    panther m10, steyr wt, IS2 S, IS2 M, su 122 44, super hellcat, m56 scorpion, t28 htc, fv201, at15a,
    type 62,skoda t45, amx 13 57gf, aufkl panzer, King tiger C

    tier 8 prems
    Mutz, jagd 88, e75ts, guard, kv4 kreslavsky, obj703 II , IS6B, ıs3a, su130pm,
    t92 lt, t25 pilot 1, chyrsler k gf, t26e5, renegade, t34 B, ts5, ebr fl10,
    bourasqe, amx m4 49, fv4202, chimera, caern #, 112, lancen C, emil1951, progetto m46,
    cs52 lis,t77,amx cda 105,panther 88,kanjpz 105,charlemagne, t103, senlac, alpine tiger, IS5, A.P amx30,vk168, shptvk tvp 100

    tier 9 rewards
    t55a,char futur, ae phase 1,777,kampf 50t,concept 1b,strv K, kunze panzer, k91 pt

    tier 10 reward tanks
    chief,279e,907,fv215b,m60,121b,carro 45t, fv 183,obj260,foch 155,fv215 183,114 sp2,OBJ 780

    little bonus. this account has some premium ships and tier 7 battleship on warships+1500 dobloons also a tier 8 airplane in warplanes with some little premium planes .

    Also you have 1000 unique people in your blacklist so you can find somone to message with love in 1 of your 5 games or just remove them from the list and enjoy the side story of how i added them there xD.

    Check other stuff on the pictures, I want to show all my 4+5+ skilled zero bia crews but i dont have time to put all of their pics.

    Main stats
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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