Selling hi guys i sell another sto acc: Ships : Hazari...

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by PEtar Porobic, 1/10/16.

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  1. PEtar Porobic

    PEtar Porobic
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    hi guys i sell another sto acc: Ships : Hazari Destroyer *in pack* herald quas flight deck cruiser, and 3 blue ships for admiralty. Admiralty: both lvl 4 (close to 5) Ec unlimited: ~86.000.000 EC R&D 5 Slots (1 buyed for 100.000 fleet credit) R&D Levels: Beams lvl 10,projectiles 6,ground weapon 5! Fleet level :56 all max lvl! Reputation: Nukara Romulus and terran LVL 2.iconian lvl 1. Lobi Crystal: 527 Dilitium Mining Claim:138 LVL 53 TACTICAL (Exelent dps skill) Traits:Self Modulating Shots,Photonic Armor Protocol,Disassemler,Talking you with me,Coalition Squad Tactics,COnduit,Space Photonic Field Protocol Weapons ALL Very rare,Ultra rare, and EPIC Antiproton Beam array mk X DMGx4 EPIC Antiproton Mag Regulator mk xii EPIC Console: Polymorphic probe array EPIC and more ultra rare weapons like you can see on ss BEST BUY!
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