Hello guys so i want to sell my battle.net account with diablo 3 + ros and hearthstone , Info : Its original levels without paragon or something : Diablo 3+Ros = wizard level 70 (paragon 18 ) , barbarian level 56 , monk level 44 , demon hunter level 36 , shaman level 15. Hearthstone : I got only 2 legendary cards - Maexxna , Mimiron's Head . also have good levels with all except Warrior. Levels : Hunter 33 , Priest 28 , Rogue 21 , Mage 19 , Paladin 19 , Warrior 8 , Shaman 14 , Warlock 20 , Druid 16. Method of transaction : 1) You offer me price . 2) If i agree i send you Middleman link . 3) You pay . 4) I deliever account . Middleman Link : Buy Now Secure Order Checkout | PlayerUp Middleman Never used cheats or something ! Skype : ivananderson8700 But I won't do the transaction without a Middleman.
Update diablo 3+Ros - Monk is level 70 Last Price! : 10$ Buy Now Secure Order Checkout | PlayerUp Middleman
Buyer Order Confirmation This message is to inform the seller and original author of this thread that a buyer has completed payment for this account listing. We will now be creating a ticket upon verifying the buyers payment. Buyer = @GiggityGO
but the guy @dante130 said that he bought the account with the link that i posted ( 10$ Buy Now Secure Order Checkout | PlayerUp Middleman ) . so who actually bought my account ? The guy @dante130 or the guy @GiggityGO .